WOD: Saturday 240824

Have a great weekend everyone!

• Coaching Notes

We have a fun partner AMRAP today with mixed styles of how a partner workout goes within this triplet. The idea is that each movement is done differently in terms of how it's split between partners. The Wall Balls are done with an iso hold on the wall in a Handstand Hold. The Bar Muscle-Ups are done, just split between the two partners, but of course we don't want one doing them if only one partner has them, so subbing to Burpee Pull-Ups is the alternative today. Then for the Abmat Sit-Ups we will work with synchro sit-ups for all 50. This will increase some midline fatigue as athletes come back around for rounds 2 and 3. Have some fun with the Bar Muscle-Up Progressions today and work in some good drills here as we should have some time to go over things and teach the movements.

metcon: "Are You Not Entertained?"

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:

50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs

10 Bar Muscle-ups

50 Synchronized AbMat Sit-ups


Every 1 min for 15 mins, alternating between:

7 L/7 R Landmine Single Leg Deadlifts, pick load

7 L/7 R Single Arm Landmine Rows, pick load

Rest 1 min

WOD Postalex burgyWOD