WOD: Saturday 241109
Have a great weekend!
• Coaching Notes
Not everyone wants to do Chad, but if you want to give it a go I will keep it in BTWB. Otherwise we will be doing the alternative workout.
metcon: "Zeke" - Alternative WOD
4 rounds for time of:
60 Double Unders
20 Single Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 20 in
15 GHD Sit-ups
3 Wall Walks
Complete in teams of 3, waterfall.
Time Domain: 15:00-20:00
Time Cap: 25:00
3 rounds for quality of:
Copenhagen Plank, L 15 secs/R 15 secs
Side Plank, L 30 secs/R 30 secs
Weighted Plank, pick load, 45 secs