WOD: Saturday 241214

How the heck is it almost Christmas already? Have a great weekend!

• Coaching Notes

Here it is! The 12 Days of Fitness workout. Not much to be said here, other than the fact that we are getting into a fun workout that always takes a little time to tackle as the reps build and progress as you move from Day 1 to Day 12. Remember that each day is the rep count for that movement. Meaning on Day 4, that is 4 Pull-Ups and the only difference here is that we used Day 2 as one 200m Run. We wrote it that way to be less confusing, but need to make special note, so athletes don't do 2 x 200m runs. The warm-up should be quick and simple today and the main focus will just be getting athletes to the correct modifications and understanding of the workout. Everything is very simple today besides the final round with Ring Muscle-Ups, but having Ring Dips as the modification today should be a good simple progression that allows for the workout to be done by all in as simple and smooth a manner as possible.

metcon: "Shadowlands"

"12 Days of Fitness", Time Cap: 40 minutes

1) Wall Walk

2) 200m Run

3) Handstand Push-Ups

4) Strict Pull-Ups

5) Burpee Box Jumps

6) Push-Ups

7) Single Arm Thruster (Switch arms each round)

8) Alternating Single Arm Devils Press

9) Goblet Squats

10) Single Dumbbell Step-Overs

11) Calorie Bike

12) Ring Muscle-Ups

Dumbbell: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg

Goals / Stimulus / Objectives

Goal: 25:00-35:00

Box Height: 24/20in


5 Sets

8-10 Dumbbell Cuban Rotations

10/10 Single Arm Dumbbell Row

10 Glute Bridge Dumbbell Pull-Overs

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