WOD: Saturday 250125
Have a great weekend!
• Coaching Notes
This team workout is about maintaining consistent output as a team while managing individual pacing and transitions. Communication and encouragement will be crucial, especially in the later rounds as fatigue builds. This is a team-based waterfall workout where one athlete starts, and each subsequent athlete begins as soon as the teammate ahead moves to the next movement, so remind athletes about the flow and style of the workout prior to starting the workout.
We are starting things off with a fun Saturday warm-up game called “Burpee Simon Says”. This one is a fun one that starts things off with each segment of the Burpee being a number and the coach calling out the number that athletes must go to. Everyone has to wait in position until the coach calls the next number. The goal is to have athletes get to position as fast as possible and then move to the next position when the coach calls the number. You can add some spice here and have a penalty burpee if an athlete misses a number or is the last one to hit the position.
metcon: "Keep Away"
5 rounds for time of:
Run, 400 m
30 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs
18:00-25:00 / Per Partner
25:00-32:00 Total Running
Time Cap: 35:00
5 rounds for quality of:
8 L/8 R Banded Paloff Press + Rotations
3 L/3 R Single Leg Box Jumps, pick height