WOD: Thursday 210422
Welcome to Sanctify, Rachel! You seem to be enjoying it so far and we’re thrilled to have you!
- Strength: Our work today is focused on speed and technique in the Power Clean. Make sure to flash your elbows all the way through, actually receiving the weight of the bar on the shoulders, and continue pulling all the way until the bar contacts the shoulder. If it crashes on top of you then you relaxed too early. Start to drop a little lower than you normally would, in order to be ready for our conditioning WOD
- Metcon: Simple and deadly, 30 heavy Squat Cleans for time. You should be locked in with your technique, look to maintain that across all 30 reps.
8 x 2 @70-75% of 1RM, every 60s.
- L1: Deadlift (Conventional or Sumo) 2/6 x 4
30 Squat Cleans (185/125)
- Goal: Complete 5-7 reps every 60s. This should be HEAVY. Time cap = 10:00
Rx+: (225, 145)
L1: (AMRAP 8: 8 Russian Swings, 8 Goblet Squats)
Accumulate reps in 2:00. Rest as needed.