WOD: Thursday 210902
Wait, this doesn’t look like weightlifting Brian!
- Coaching Notes:
Today will be a challenge. We are expecting that athletes are sweating to get the work done within the time frame. Be have an extra rest period built in after 3 rounds of this to keep this within the range of sustainable. For our high level athletes they should be working on transitions and moving smoothly between each of these segments and working on getting set, recovered and ready for the next interval. For most athletes this will be about managing the sets and working on the machines at a pace that is uncomfortable. This is meant to push threshold and create new a new ceiling for what athletes are capable of holding.
Scaling Mods:
We want to make sure that athletes are able to hit the work before the time is up on each segment, but not given so much time that they are resting more than just for the transition from movement to movement. Be sure to find what is right for each athlete before the time starts so that they aren't constantly alternating movements during the workout itself.
Chest to Bar Technique Work
-3 Kip Swings + Pause in Active + 3 Kip Swings
-6 Elevator Kipping Pull-up, (increase pull elbow bend on each kip)
*by 4th rep should be chin over bar
-Chest to Bar Singles as jump + kip and chest to bar
Burn After Reading
2 Sets
3 Rounds
15 Chest to Bar
15/11 Cal Bike
12 Lateral Burpees over Rower
15/12 Cal Row
R: 5:00 b/s
*this is 5:00 Rest starting at the 3:30 from the last interval not including the schedule rest written into the 3 rounds
*scored as 12 sets as each segment should be recorded for time
Scoring: Time
Pulling Accessory Conditioning
Dual DB Bicep Curls 35/25#
*between rounds
100ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
Scoring: Time