WOD: Thursday 210923

Can’t wait to see you at the 5am class SABU!

Can’t wait to see you at the 5am class SABU!

Coaching Notes:

Alright, today we have all the work for our core, shoulders, and lats. We are really dialing things in, in terms of the structure around the shoulder joint to get everyone feeling healthy and ready to go for a little PRVN specific benchmark Wod on Friday. We managed to put in the accessory today as part of the class and these are great components to add into the repertoire this week to create healthy shoulders rather than add more fatigue.

Scaling Mods:

Scaling Mods are very specific today as we want to create a great workout that everyone can be successful with. Box handstand push-ups, reduce the volume on the holds, go with ring rows and ring row holds and just go to singles to keep athletes moving and feeling good today.

Metcon: Half Measures

20:00 AMRAP

5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

:30sec Handstand Hold

7/5 Strict Chin-Ups

:15sec Chin-Over Bar Hold

50 Double Unders


3 Sets, for Quality

10 Dual DB Upright Rows

10 Dual DB Straddled Z-Press

10 Dual DB Zottman Curls

Load: Choice

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