WOD: Thursday 211021

Always a joy to have you in class Susannah. Keep up all of your hard work!

Always a joy to have you in class Susannah. Keep up all of your hard work!

Coaching Notes:

We are going to be getting after some barbell conditioning and cycling today. This is building on what we did last Friday. That should give us a good indication for what weight we should be able to tackle on the barbell today. Goal here is smooth, unbroken sets. If needed we can do 5 deadlifts, drop, then 1 deadlift into the 4 hang power cleans. However for the true effect of this workout and stimulus in mind, let’s really push for athletes to try to go unbroken on each set. Have them choose a load they think is manageable and if they have any time for feel they can increase in weight have some change plates ready as big jumps are not the way to go. Also, we won’t have enough time to change weights towards the end of this workout as fatigue will settle in. Choose wisely!

For our bike portion of the workout today, we are getting into a true pain cave workout. We are going :30sec on and 2:00 off. This will allow for coaches to start athletes on a delay and really hit the workout well with minimal need to adjust workout based on class sizes. Goal for each 30sec sprint should be in the range of 20-25 cals for men and 15-20 cals for the ladies.

Scaling Considerations:

The biggest thing we need to focus on today is the barbell cycling component and making sure that we focus on quality positions, correct loading, and the ability to catch in a quality front rack position.

For those that have issues pulling from the floor we can pull off blocks or work from weight plates to raise the ground a bit. We can also move to DBs and do DB RDLs to work on reducing the range of motion as well. This would work well for both the deadlifts and cleans to allow for a quality workout while reducing specific stressors.

O’Doyle Rules!

10:00 EMOM

6 Deadlift

4 Hang Power Cleans

Load: Choice

Score: Load Across

T-T-T-Today Jr!

5 Rounds for Max Calories

:30sec Bike

2:00 Rest


3 Sets

20 Reverse Hypers

-Max Effort Sorenson Hold

*if you don't have reverse hyper, this is modification using medball and GHD

Modified Reverse Hyper

Reverse Hyper on Elevated Bench

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