WOD: Thursday 220414
Happy belated birthday Jesse!
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Front Foot Elevated Split Squats: The foot should be placed on a 2-3 inch plate and the athlete should be in a stance that roughly mimics a walking lunge or the split jerk. We will descend under control, lightly tap the knee to the ground and then accelerate back up to the start.
-Row Calories: Get the rower moving quickly and then work on a steady state long stroke. Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish.
-Wall Balls: Elbows should stay in front of the body and hip crease needs to pass below parallel. Focus on a good dynamic drive with tension out of the hole as we release the ball.
-Rope Climbs: Focus on making the first jump high up the rope and cut the rope as close to the hands as possible. Then work on the descent by letting the rope slide fast between the feet and hands lightly on the rope.
-Box Jumps: These are not box jump overs, so reach full extension at the top of the box and step-down before hitting the next rep.
• Scaling Considerations
-Rope Climbs: Sub pull-to-stands or 6 L/6 R single arm ring rows or a hand over hand rope sled pull.
-Wall Balls: We can sub light dumbbell thrusters or air squats today if it's the motion of catching the ball that is creating problems.
-Bench Press: Sub a floor press or dumbbell bench press to limit the range of motion issues that tend to be exacerbated by the barbell.
-Strict Pull-ups: We are looking for strict banded pull-ups or toenail spot pull-ups today as the primary sub.
-Row Calories: Sub Ski Erg or Assault Bike at same calories, sub the Echo Bike at 10/8 calories, or sub a 200 m run.
Every 3 mins for 12 mins do:
8 L/8 R Back Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squats, pick load
Max rep Strict Pull-ups
Back Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squats- 88-93% 8RM
“Mr. Potato Head”
AMRAP 12 mins:
12/10 Row Calories
18 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
3/2 Rope Climbs
18 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
Goal: ~4 rounds
4 rounds for quality of:
10 Zottman Curls, pick load
Copenhagen Plank, L 15 secs/R 15 secs
Star Plank, L 15 secs/R 15 secs