WOD: Thursday 220421
What’s better than one set burpees? Sandwiching bike and rowing calories between sets of burpees.
• Row Specific Skill Session
For quality:
Pick Drill, 30 secs
Body + Arms, 30 secs
Legs + Body, 30 secs
¾ Power Strokes, 1 min
Full Strokes, 1 min
-- then --
Row: 3x 1 min
-Working on a straight train chain path, drive through the legs, legs/body/arms on the way into the catch, then legs/body/arms on the way out of the catch.
-We are looking to dial in each piece of the rowing stroke and get athletes to feel the right way to row. Initially this may feel worse and more challenging for the athlete if they are not used to rowing correctly, but overtime this will develop a lot more strength and consistency for greater durations.
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Row: Focus on the technique progression today and get athletes locked into the idea of pressing through the legs, driving through the midline and finishing hard with the arms. We want a straight chain path and tension throughout. If you see the chain wobble, that means we are losing tension and need to connect the lats a little better at the front end of the stroke.
• Scaling Considerations
-The focus today for scaling would be centered around the monostructural components and the machines along with scaling overall volume.
-The main focus is making sure athletes are moving fast and staying consistent in the time domain of 3 mins on/1 min off.
Every 4 mins for 24 mins, alternating between:
1x [ 8 Burpees + 12/10 Row Calories + 12/9 Bike Calories + 8 Burpees ]
1x [ 12/10 Row Calories + 16 Burpees + 12/9 Bike Calories ]
5 rounds for quality of:
20 Alternating V-ups
Side Plank, L 20 secs/R 20 secs
10 Alternating Plank Knee-to-Elbows