WOD: Thursday 220519
You got a license to be carrying around those gunz Megan?
• Gymnastics Skill Work
Handstand Walks Skills & Drills
-Here we want to be able to spend about 10 mins working on some drills that can allow us to progress in our handstand walk, then we will hit an EMOM looking for 20-40 secs of concentrated work.
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Wall Walks: Move with straight arms and work to maintain a strong midline by tucking the pelvis, while pressing the chest through the arms as we move to the wall.
-Toes-to-bars: Similar to the rings here, where we are looking for that tight kip glide while keeping the lats active through the swing.
-Row Calories: Get the rower moving quickly and then work on a steady state long stroke. Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish.
• Scaling Considerations
-Wall Walks: The focus here is stability on the hands and through the midline. We can sub in a box wall walk or just not go as high up the wall and as inverted in the wall walk.
-Toes-to-bars: Let’s scale to alternating toes-to-bars, then knees-to-elbow, then strict knee raises, and finally move to v-ups or sit-ups if we need an option that is not on the rig.
-Row Calorie Subs: Same Ski Erg or Bike Erg reps, run distance would be 400/300/200/200/100 m.
"Box of Chocolates"
For time:
24/20 Row Calories
18 Toes-to-bars
6 Wall Walks
21/17 Row Calories
15 Toes-to-bars
5 Wall Walks
18/15 Row Calories
12 Toes-to-bars
4 Wall Walks
15/12 Row Calories
9 Toes-to-bars
3 Wall Walks
12/10 Row Calories
6 Toes-to-bars
2 Wall Walks
Time domain: 11-15 mins
Time cap: 18 mins
4 rounds for quality of:
10-8-6-4 Behind-the-Neck Strict Press, pick load
10 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, pick load
10 Dumbbell Reverse Flies, pick load