WOD: Thursday 220901
May your shoes not be too heavy for the run and may your shoelaces not come undone during the double unders.
• Daily Focus
Today, the focus is on the barbell cycling component for the push jerks. We are working on touch-and-go reps off the shoulder. The goal today is to teach the technique of keeping the torso tall, belly braced, and catch the barbell in the rebound of the dip before punching into the next rep. We will then transition to the AMRAP where we have a 1 mile run as a buy-in to the AMRAP. The goal with the run is to keep it sub 10 mins. If you will have athletes that are going to be really pushing it to get the run done in under 10 mins, we should scale the distance to allow for more time on the other movements.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Push Jerks: Set-up in a strong front rack position with full grip on bar, dip underneath punch with a firm lockout then stand to extension before letting the barbell fall directly back to the front rack as you dip to punch right into the next jerk. Continue this cycle for the duration of the reps.
-Scale: Lets scale to push press, then strict press, then move to dual dumbbell strict press. If it really is the range of motion overhead we can move to a half kneeling landmine press or dumbbell incline press.
Run: Pull off the ground and keep the chest tall with a neutral spine. Create tension by pulling your pelvis under your torso and work to keep a quick cadence.
Strict Handstand Push-ups: Create a solid stable tripod with an active shoulder, then move into extension through a strong press and firm lockout at the elbow and flexing the core.
-Scale: We want to have some tools in our tool box for the handstand push-up. The box pike handstand push-up is definitely our favorite option, but only if the athlete can do it correctly and maintain the proper pressing form. Dual dumbbell strict press is never a bad option and helps those that feel like going inverted will be an issue.
Wall Balls: Elbows should stay in front of the body and hip crease needs to pass below parallel. Focus on a good dynamic drive with tension out of the hole as we release the ball.
-Scale: For wall balls, let's first reduce the height, second reduce the weight, and third we can move to a light goblet squat or air squats. If an athletes has knee issues, let’s use a box squat to wall ball.
Double Unders: Eyes forward and down with gaze out 4 ft in front of you. Keep the hands at the pockets and focus on flicking the wrist twice to create the double under.
-Scale: Go to 50 single unders for 25 double unders.
Complete sets every 1 min for 9 mins with touch-and-go reps.
Push Jerk 5-4-3-5-4-3-5-4-3
MetCon: “Jean Girard"
In 16 mins do:
Run, 1 mi
in the remaining time, AMRAP of:
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups
10 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 11/10 ft
25 Double Unders
3 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
Kettlebell Wall Sit, pick load, 30 secs
10 L/10 R Single Leg Foot Elevated Glute Bridges