WOD: Thursday 221006
“You know what the trouble about real life is? There’s no danger music.“ Burpees would have danger music for sure.
• Daily Focus
The focus today is purely on midline conditioning and aerobic capacity. By combining fast burpees with running and toes-to-bars we will see a huge amount of build up of cumulative fatigue through the hip flexors and lower abs. The goal will be able to maintain effort and pace throughout.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Toes-to-bars: Similar to the rings here, where we are looking for that tight kip glide while keeping the lats active through the swing.
-Scale: Let's scale to alternating toes-to-bars, then knees-to-elbows, then strict knee raises, and finally move to v-ups or sit-ups if we need an option that is not on the rig.
Run: Pull off the ground and keep the chest tall with a neutral spine. Create tension by pulling your pelvis under your torso and work to keep a quick cadence.
-Run Machine Subs:
200 m =
15/12 Row/Ski Erg/Bike Erg Calories
12/8 Echo Bike Calories
13/10 Assault Bike Calorie
20/16 Airdyne Calories
Line Facing Burpees: Stay low to the ground and jump feet close to the line before jumping over the line and getting right back down into the next rep.
-Scale: Scale to a traditional burpee or a box elevated burpee.
MetCon: "The Cable Guy"
10 rounds, 2 mins each, for max reps of:
10 Line Facing Burpees
Run, 200 m
Max reps in remaining time Toes-to-bars
Rest 1 min between each round.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 mins of:
Planche Plank Hold, 20 secs
Star Plank Hold, L 15 secs/R 15 secs
Copenhagen Plank Hold, L 15 secs/R 15 secs
Double Kettlebell Front Rack
Wall Sit, pick load, 20 secs