WOD: Thursday 221117
Believe it or not, this is what Travis’ beard looks like just 3 days into No Shave November.
• Daily Focus
Today, we are hitting a workout all about midline conditioning and aerobic stamina. We will start off the day building in a good warm-up for bracing positions both for the carries as well as for the handstand walk. The goal would be to have a little time today to run through the handstand walk progressions before the workout to have athletes get a little more familiar with kicking up onto their hands and shifting weight. After the conditioning piece we have built in some time to hit our 7 min abs workout centered around isometric holds and a good burnout to finish off the day. We do understand it might be hard to get in the core finisher, but is always fun to add in if you can to bring the community together with a good ab burn.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Run: Pull off the ground and keep the chest tall with a neutral spine. Create tension by pulling your pelvis under your torso and work to keep a quick cadence.
Farmers Carry: Belly tight, kettlebells at the sides and chest tall.
Handstand Walk: More straight arm strength work here and working on the body line and pressing through the floor as we move.
-Scale: Handstand walk-to-wall, lateral handstand walks along the wall, or wall walk + shoulder taps.
Front Rack + Overhead Carry: Press through the kettlebells and elevated the shoulder blade on one arm while holding a quality front rack position with the other arm. Switch arms at 50 ft.
MetCon: "Now You See Me, Now You Don't"
3 rounds, each round for time, of:
Run, 400 m
Farmers Carry, 53/35 lbs, 200 ft
Handstand Walk, 100 ft
Kettlebell Front Rack + Overhead Carry, 53/35 lbs, L+R 50 ft/R+L 50 ft Run, 200 m
Go every 10 mins.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 mins of:
Seated Pike-up Hold, 10 secs
Side Plank Hold, L 20 secs/R 20 secs
Hollow Hold, 30 secs
Forearm Plank Hold, 40 secs