WOD: Thursday 230202
Everyone’s favorite day of the week, wall walk day!
• Daily Focus
We have an Open style workout today with a little fun strategy mixed in as the work can be partitioned as desired in order to complete the working reps. This is meant to be a challenging number of wall walks, while also burning up the shoulders with the combo of double unders. Athletes will have to hit the run at a good clip to bank some time to work on the dubs and wall walks. Spend the first half of class today playing around with some handstand walk skills and drills. This is meant to be play time and skill work building.
• Gymnastics Skill Work
For quality:
Handstand Walk Skills & Drills
Spend 10-15 mins Playing with Handstand Walks. For those that have them, work into an EMOM and have them go for 25-50 ft.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Wall Walks: Move with straight arms and work to maintain a strong midline by tucking the pelvis, while pressing the chest through the arms as we move to the wall.
-Scale: The focus here is stability on the hands and through the midline. We can sub in a box wall walk or just not go as high up the wall and as inverted in the wall walk.
Double Unders: Eyes forward and down with gaze out 4 ft in front of you. Keep the hands at the pockets and focus on flicking the wrist twice to create the double under.
metcon: "Hughie"
For time, partitioned any way:
300 Double Unders
30 Wall Walks
Every 4 mins (starting at 0:00) complete: Run, 400 m
Time domain: 24-30 mins
Time cap: 30 mins
Part A, For quality:
Press-to-Handstand Progression
Part B:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 mins of:
10 Alternating Leg V-ups
Hollow Rock, 20 secs
Plank Hold, 30 secs