WOD: Thursday 230406

I think we all aspire to be this happy during a batch of Toes to Bar.

• Daily Focus

The focus today is centered around the barbell and shoulder stamina. For the complex today we are looking at time under tension in quality positions. Allowing for 6 sets here in order to build up to a heavy weight should allow for some good practice and valuable practice at above 70% 1RM. We love the range of 70-80% 1RM to develop form as it provides the most useful feedback on the bar. Once we get over 80% 1RM we should use more of the 2 mins in order to have the system ready to tackle a heavy for the day. We will then move into a sprint chipper where the focus is to break up sets as needed, but keep rest minimal as we move through a sprint style workout.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Toes-to-bars: We are focused on maintaining an active shoulder position as we move through the hollow position to the arched position. Focus to press away from the bar to create space that will allow for compression of the midline and the toes to come to the bar. We should look to keep the dynamic positions today when scaling, so moving to an alternating toe to bar or kipping knees-to-elbow/knee-to-chest would be ideal in order to maintain fluid dynamics. The next scale would be to move to a strict knee raise or knees-to-elbow, specifically for those with shoulder or back issues.

Overhead Squats: Keep pressing on the bar as we go in and out of the hole of the squat. Press through the elbows and elevate the shoulder blades. Sub to an overhead walking lunge or a front squat as the go to alternatives for today.

Hang Power Snatches: The focus is finding that hang position either at above the knee that allows for loading of the hamstrings while keeping lats tight or dropping straight down to hip contact and allowing this to be a more quad dominant movement. If we are moving from the knee to overhead in a more traditional hang position we need to find the hip with a violent brush, keeping the bar close and punching overhead. For the hip and go method, allow the barbell to come down, bounce off the thighs at the hips crease, keeping the torso vertical and jumping to punch under the bar. If needed, reduce the loads and or move to alternating dumbbell snatch.

Wall Balls: Elbows should stay in front of the body and hip crease needs to pass below parallel. Focus on a good dynamic drive with tension out of the hole as we release the ball. Let's first move to reduce the weight, then secondly reduce the height of the target, and thirdly we can move to a light thrusters.


Every 2 mins for 12 mins.

1x [ 1 Power Snatch + 2 Squat Snatches + 1 Overhead Squat ], pick load

Starting at 70% 1RM power snatch and building. Do not exceed 85% 1RM today.

metcon: "Everton"

For time:

30 Toes-to-bars

30 Overhead Squats, 95/65 lbs

30 Hang Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs

30 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs

Time domain: 6-9 mins

Time cap: 12 mins


For 2 cycles:

AMRAP in 3 mins of:

10 L/10 R Side Plank Shoot Throughs

Hollow Rock, 20 secs

20 Russian Twists

Hollow Rock, 20 secs

Rest 1:30 between each cycle.

For each cycle restart the AMRAP.

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