WOD: Thursday 230601
At least it ain’t Murph prep…
• Daily Focus
We will be hitting a quality EMOM today with the focus on hitting power cleans and then into a squat clean to finish each set. The goal is to work on the power through the hips and then on the final rep, work on translating that into a fast turnover and catch in the squat.
We will then move into a workout we hit in September of 2021 that we used as a Benchmark test for that cycle. So, those that have been with us since then, should go back and look at their scores to see the improvement from that time. The focus is on the barbell complex, but the Wall Balls will still pack a punch and build some extra fatigue in the legs going into the complex.
weightlifting: Power Clean + Clean
Complete sets every 1 min for 10 mins:
Set 1-3: 3+1 at 60-65% 1RM
Set 4-6: 2+1 at 65-70% 1RM
Set 7-8: 2+1 at 70-75% 1RM
Set 9-10: 1+1 at 80% 1RM
metcon: "Peekaboo"
3 rounds for time of:
18 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
15 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs
9 Power Cleans, 155/105 lbs
6 Front Squats, 155/105 lbs
Goal: 8-12 mins
Time cap: 15 mins
4 rounds, 20 secs per station, for max reps of:
Goblet Cyclist Squat, 53/35 lbs
Rest 10 secs
American Kettlebell Swing, 53/35 lbs
Rest 10 secs
Rotate immediately to the next station, the clock does not stop or reset between stations.