WOD: Thursday 230608

• Daily Focus

We are moving into an aerobic capacity and midline stamina builder here today with a longer workout that targets lactate threshold with the goal of hitting 8 mins at threshold with 2 mins rest between efforts. The goal today is to develop better consistency on toe to bar under fatigue and teach athletes about pacing strategy. If you go out hot on this one it will not end up well in the end. Spend time going through mechanics on the rower and toe to bar prior to the workout to help athletes build efficiency for this long workout.

metcon: "Dosed"

3 rounds, each round for time:

Row, 500/450 m

-- then --

3 rounds of:

10 Burpee-to-Targets

10 Toes-to-bars

-- then --

Row, 500/450 m

Rest 2 mins between each round.

Time cap: 35 mins (total)


3 rounds for quality of:

20 Alternating Barbell Landmine Rotations, pick load

Single Arm Kettlebell Suitcase Carry, pick load, L 100 ft/R 100 ft

10 Kettlebell Turkish Sit-ups, pick load

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