WOD: Thursday 230629

• Daily Focus

Today we are getting into a challenging barbell conditioning piece that requires high effort and intensity each round. By going to a 2 mins on/2 mins off scenario we are really targeting our V02 max and high threshold capacity with a barbell. Because of that, we are starting off the day with some technical work that should really help to prime our positions and have us moving smooth and efficiently throughout. Remember that we want to be able to move fast with the barbell so adjust loads accordingly.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Power Snatches: We want to work on barbell cycling patterns here and keeping the barbell close while also keeping the chest tall as we move to the floor. Work to push the bar to the floor as we don’t want to stop momentum on the thighs or loose tension by letting the barbell pull us to the floor. Think smooth and fast. For quick singles, the focus is going to shift to dropping the hips at the start of each rep as the tendency will be to leave those high when going back down for the next rep. We can go to hang power snatches and or lighten the load. We could also go to American kettlebell swings or alternating dumbbell snatches for those that are limited with a barbell in their hands.

-Echo Bike Calories: Work to keep the body moving forward rather than side to side. Focus on the push/pull with the arms and pressing down through the legs. Increase calories on the Assault Bike to 24/18, 18/15, 12/9 for scaling purposes.

-Double Unders: Eyes forward and down with gaze out 4 ft in front of you. Keep the hands at the pockets and focus on flicking the wrist twice to create the double under.

metcon: "The Menu"

For time:

In 2 mins do:

42 Double Unders

Then in the remaining time:

21 Power Snatches, 95/65 lbs

24/18 Bike Calories

15 Power Snatches, 135/95 lbs

18/15 Bike Calories

9 Power Snatches, 155/105 lbs

12/9 Bike Calories ...

Rest 2 mins and repeat, beginning with the buy-in and continuing where you left off.

Goal: Complete in 4 rounds

Round cap: 5


3 rounds for quality of:

8 L/8 R Half Kneeling Kettlebell Chop + Lifts, pick load

8 L /8 R Contralateral Dumbbell Box Step-ups, pick load, 24/20 in

Single Leg Sorenson Hold, L 20 secs/R 20 secs

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