WOD: Thursday 231214
Does the muscle up even count if there is no hair flip?
• Coaching Notes
Today's focus revolves around honing the technique for Bar Muscle-Ups and reinforcing Toe to Bar movements. We aim to dedicate approximately 10 to 12 minutes for thorough progressions and scaling discussions for both the Bar Muscle-Up and Toe to Bar.
In recognition of the workout's structure and time domain, we've streamlined the warm-up, anticipating that the progressions and movement development will serve as a natural precursor to the workout itself.
During the session, it's crucial to ensure that athletes are equipped with the appropriate scaling modifications and are positioned at the right skill level to approach the workout successfully. The target time domain for each set is within 6 to 8 minutes, emphasizing efficiency and proficiency in execution. Noting that there is a total of 1800m of running within this workout, we can scale the run or add in some variation here by having a machine option be the 400m or 200m variant within each set. This way athletes can stay moving, still get some running in, but reduce the total volume for the day.
metcon: "On the Run"
3 rounds, each round for time, of:
Run, 400 m
30 Toes-to-bars
Run, 200 m
10 Bar Muscle-ups
Go every 10 mins.
Goal: Complete each set in 6:00-8:00 minutes
Time Cap: 9:00 minutes
Primary Objective: Consistency across all sets
Secondary Objective: Bar Muscle-Ups
4 rounds for quality of:
10 Feet Elevated Ring Rows
12 L/12 R Lateral Med Ball Toss, 20/14 lbs
12 Kettlebell Seesaw Rows, pick load