WOD: Thursday 231221

Just in case you don’t like part 1 just wait and you may just like part 2.

• Coaching Notes

We are tackling a retest of “Elm Street” from Week 1 of the Kratos Cycle. This means that you have a good idea of the style and flow of this workout along with a goal to hit and improve upon. The focus here is on aerobic conditioning and midline stamina. We want to tackle some solid sets on Toe to Bar while maintaining consistent paces on the Echo and Double Unders. The goal is to finish under 10:00 minutes for Part A and complete 4 Rounds in Part B of this workout.

metcon part 1:

For time:

60 Double Unders

33/25 Bike Calories

15 Toes-to-bars

40 Double Unders

22/16 Bike Calories

15 Toes-to-bars

20 Double Unders

12/9 Bike Calories

15 Toes-to-bars

Time Domain 7:00-10:00

Time Cap: 12:00 minutes

Primary Objective: Maintain unbroken sets on the Toe to Bar

Secondary Objective: Increase Echo Bike RPM's across all sets. This also carries over into part B where we want to build paces.

metcon part 2:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 6 mins of:

24 Double Unders

10/8 Bike Calories

8 Toes-to-bars

Goal: ~ 4 Rounds


For quality:

Weighted Plank Hold, pick load, 3 mins

Kettlebell Crossbody High + Low Carry, pick load, L 2 mins/R 2 mins

L-Sit Hold, 1 min

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