WOD: Thursday 231228

• Coaching Notes

In today's training, we're honing in on gymnastics skill and stamina, specifically targeting Ring Muscle-Ups, a critical element in our preparation for the Open and Quarterfinals. The workout is structured into a series of EMOMs (Every Minute on the Minute). We'll start with a 4-minute EMOM of 4 Ring Muscle-Ups, followed by a 2-minute rest. This is succeeded by another 4-minute EMOM, this time with 3 reps, and again, a 2-minute rest. We'll wrap up with a final 4-minute EMOM of 2 reps. This progressive structure is designed to build both the skill and endurance needed for Ring Muscle-Ups, essential for our upcoming competitive season. For those that do not have the skill of the Ring Muscle-Up, we are looking to develop a specific strength builder in a similar fashion of Toenail Spot Strict Ring Muscle-Ups or Strict Pull-Ups and Strict Dips.

For conditioning, we've got "Prancer," which consists of 3 sets of a 2-minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible). Each set includes 22 Toes to Bar, challenging your core, followed by a max rep of Dual Dumbbell Bench Press at 50/35lb (22/16kg), testing your upper body strength. There's a 1-minute rest between sets to help you recover and maintain intensity. This conditioning piece is tailored to improve core strength and upper body endurance, critical for overall capacity.

gymnastics skill work: ring muscle ups

4 minute EMOM 4 reps

Rest 2:00 minutes

4 minute EMOM 3 reps

Rest 2:00 minutes

4 minute EMOM 2 reps

metcon: "Prancer"

3 rounds, 2 mins each, for max reps of:

20 Toes-to-bars

Max reps in remaining time Dumbbell Bench Press, 50/35 lbs

Rest 1 min

Goal: Complete 10+ DB Bench Press Each Set

Primary Objective: Complete the Toe to Bar in under 75 seconds

Secondary Objective: Complete 10+ Reps on DB Bench Press each Set


4 rounds for quality of:

Seated Ski Erg, 30 secs

15 Tall Kneeling Banded Lat Pull Downs

12 Parallette Push-ups

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