WOD: Thursday 240815
Who doesn’t love some wall walk and shuttle runs?
• Coaching Notes
The workout today is meant to be a longer workout with the emphasis on consistent movement for 4 minutes, with 1 minute rest between efforts and continuing that for 6 sets. This is a classic time domain for lactate threshold development, however it hits a bit differently in a mix modal setting. We added in the max rep component as a focus to allow for dialing in the right numbers for each athlete and providing the ability to really lean into this or take it more moderate today depending on how they are feeling. The goal in order to hit this right would be to keep the heart rate elevated in that 83-88% of max zone for the entire 4 minutes. This ends with shuttle runs in order to get a longer minute here before the rest minute to try and push the pace a bit and work on the athletes ability to get into a change of direction relatively quickly.
metcon: "Volcanic Ash"
Every 1 min for 30 mins, alternating between:
15/12 Ski Erg Calories
Max rep Wall Walks
50 Double Unders
Max rep Shuttle Runs, 50 ft
Rest 1 min
4 rounds for quality of:
Wall Handstand Hold, 30 secs
Russian Twist, pick load, 30 secs
15 Weighted Seated Calf Raises, pick load