WOD: Thursday 240829

woman rowing

The type of energy needed for today’s workout.

• Coaching Notes

We have a longer chipper on the docket today that is meant to be a challenge and a focus today. The goal is pacing and understanding the build up of muscular fatigue and how to manage that over the course of the workout. If we pace this correctly there should be a steady state effort holding around that 7-8 RPE rather than starting at 8-9 and building to a 10 out of 10 and struggling to finish. Spend extra time focusing on the Toe to Bar and the Rope Climbs today from a coaching perspective as there are a lot pieces here to tackle.

metcon: "Homecoming"

For time:

50 Line Facing Burpees

5 Wall Walks

50/40 Row Calories

5 Wall Walks

50 Toes-to-bars

5 Wall Walks

15 Shuttle Runs, 50 ft

5 Wall Walks

10 Rope Climbs

Time cap: 27 mins


Every 2 mins for 8 mins do:

10 Hollow Rocks

10 V-ups

10 Russian Twists Hollow Hold, 10 secs

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