WOD: Thursday 240905

It means no worries, for the rest of your days.

• Coaching Notes

Today's workout will center around upper body interference and stamina with the combo of Calorie Row + Devils Press after the challenging sets on Bench Press. The idea today is that we don't really spend a huge amount of time needing to go through the movements because we have hit them a good amount and they are quite simple. This means that we can lean into a little more aggressive of a warm-up, use the entire hour and really prime athletes. The Bench Press is meant to be done with the idea of drop sets, where we have 3 heavy and then 5 light reps to work on speed and form. This overall effect will help to recruit more muscle nueron units and get us really moving towards that new 5RM. The 2-2-2-3 Intervals are one that we have done before and will create an added challenge by hitting the Row at a higher intenstiy before moving into the Devil's Press for consistent and strong work throughout the time frame.

The plan is to have athletes choose a load that allows them to get 8+ reps each set and complete within the final segment not before.

metcon: "Hakuna Matata"

For Time:

Every 8:00 x 3 Sets

60ft (18m) Handstand Walk

30 Abmat Sit-Ups

15 Strict Pull-Ups

40ft (9m) Handstand Walk

20 V-Ups

10 Strict Pull-Ups


3-4 Sets, For Quality

10 Weighted Russian Twists

10/10 Three Point Dumbbell Row

10-15 second Extended GHD Supine Hold

alex burgy