WOD: Thursday 241010

More GHD sit ups! Just when you stopped being sore from the last time.

• Coaching Notes

We are working into a quality workout today that has the emphasis on tempo, stability and strength as the primary focus. We will start with a tempo strict press today for 4 sets x 4 reps @ a tempo which allows for challenging positional work while also keeping the volume and intensity to a more moderate dose. We will then transition into the workout today, which is an EMOM that is primarily working on midline work, stability and structural strength for the shoulders. Spend the time to go over the Turkish Get-Up, GHD Sit-Up and Pallof Press.

strength: tempo shoulder press

Every 2 mins for 8 mins.

4 Tempo Shoulder Press, pick load

31x1 tempo @ 70%+ 1RM Shoulder Press

metcon: "Jenga"

Every 1 min for 16 mins, alternating between:

2 Alternating Turkish Get-ups, 53/35 lbs

14 GHD Sit-ups 20/15 Push-ups

Paloff Hold, L 20 secs/R 20 secs


3 rounds for quality of:

8 Incline Dumbbell Flies, pick load

8 Glute Bridge Dumbbell Pull Overs, pick load

20 Banded Tricep Press Downs

10 Dumbbell Lateral Raises, pick load

WOD Postalex burgyWOD