WOD: Thursday 241219
40 mins of fun today!
• Coaching Notes
Here it is! Another 40:00 EMOM day with the focus on building more muscular endurance and stamina. The goal here is to find a sustainable piece that you can tackle for the workout and tackle movements and modifications today that push the needle forward, but don’t push us past an 8 RPE on the intensity scale here. This EMOM should be a progression in terms of effort from last week as we are tackling harder calories on the machines and minute 2 combines two movements that will take longer within the minute than some of the movements last week. We did however place in the Dumbbell Bench as some added interference, however this should be a quicker movement to allow for more recovery to make this a sustainable piece.
metcon: "Bowser Castle"
Every 1 min for 40 mins, alternating between:
15/12 Bike Calories
1x [ 8/6 Strict Pull-ups + 8 Toes-to-bars ]
14/12 Row Calories
12 Dumbbell Bench Press, 50/35 lbs
5 rounds for quality of:
Single Leg Banded Paloff Hold, L 30 secs/R
30 secs V-up Hold, 15 secs