WOD: Thursday 250313
What do we think will be the final workout of the 2025 CrossFit Open?
• Coaching Notes
Today’s focus is on grip endurance, midline stamina, and body control with a mix of gymnastics, unilateral step-overs, and running in "The Walk of the Penguin." Athletes should approach this workout with steady pacing on the run, controlled step-overs, and efficient gymnastic transitions. The focus today from a coaching point will be tackling a quality warm-up and skill focus prior to getting into the workout.
metcon: "The Walk of the Penguin"
5 rounds for time of:
Run, 400 m
20 Single Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in
12 Toes-to-bars
4 Wall Walks
Goal: 24-30 minutes
Time Cap: 32 minutes
5 rounds for quality of:
Copenhagen Side Plank Hold, L 20 secs
Rest 20 secs
Copenhagen Side Plank Hold, R 20 secs
Rest 20 secs
Hollow Hold, pick load, 30 secs
Rest 30 secs