WOD: Tuesday 210803
Chest Day, Best Day with Coach Stacy.
Whiteboard Brief
- Strength: Our Strength work today is a superset of Close Grip Floor Press and Ring Rows. On the Press, the upper arm should make controlled contact with the ground, with the wrist right in position above the elbow. Keep the back locked in place and shoulder pulled away from the ears as you bend the bar in half.
- Metcon: Working on aerobic power in our EMOM today, so make sure to chose scaling options that allow you to work for the entire 30 seconds, with the exception of the T2B which should be 2 big sets. Focus on keeping the shoulder pulled tight in the socket while performing your sets of T2B
A1) Close Grip Floor Press (15:00-30:00)
3 x 6-8. Rest 45s.
- 3 moderate/heavy sets of 6-8
- Take 3 sets to build to work weight
A2) Ring Rows
3 x 12-15. Rest 45s.
- slight pause at top of each rep
T2B Drills
EMOM 16:
Minute 1: 30s Max Reps T2B
Minute 2: 30s Max Reps Push-ups
Minute 3: 30s Max Double Unders
Minute 4: 30s Max Calories Air Bike
- Goal: Challenging Effort. These sets should be tough but sustainable, break the T2B into 2 big sets. Denote total reps of each movement.
Rx+: (5/3 Bar Muscle-ups + 10 T2B) (10/7 Strict Handstand Push-ups)
L2: (Hanging Knee or Straight Leg Raises) (30s DU attempts)
L1: (Weighted V-ups) (Box Push-ups) (Single Unders or Penguin Taps)
Banded Pushdowns
2:00 Max reps.
- Goal: 100 reps