WOD: Tuesday 210914
Don’t let Nate’s face fool you, he’s actually having a really good time.
Coaching Notes:
Today's workout is built around developing capacity in a mixed modal domain. We are now working in some primer skill/strength work on the EMOM and then into Yoshi where our focus is on developing consistent Ring Muscle-Ups in an environment that will jack the heart rate up a bit more and fatigue similar muscle groups. This is how we get better with high level skills in a CrossFit setting.
Scaling Mods:
Today, lets focus on what will make athletes feel the most accomplished while also working with time management. By focusing on strength progressions today in the main conditioning piece we can work on enhancing what we did in the skill EMOM and also save time for any other muscle-up scaling mods.
-Devils Press: If athletes need to just do Dual DB ground to overhead that is a more than okay option and it will work at developing great capacity. suggestion would be to go down in weight, up in reps and work on better bracing mechanics from the floor.
Skill EMOM
12:00 EMOM
min 1: 7 Ring Swing + 1 Skin the Cat
min 2: 1/1 Turkish Get-Up
min 3: 5/5 Weighted Pistol Step-Downs
12:00 AMRAP
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
3 Devils Press 50/35#, 22.5/16kg
12 Air Squats
24 Double Unders
3 Sets, Big Set
10-12 Supine Grip Bent Row
10-12 Barbell Roll-Outs
10-12 Deficit Parallette Push-Ups
*can sub DB Deficit Push-Ups