WOD: Tuesday 211005

Heurung put up some big numbers for 1RM Snatch day. He understood the assignment.

Heurung put up some big numbers for 1RM Snatch day. He understood the assignment.

Coaching Notes:

Today we are hitting a fun workout that'll feel a bit like Amanda the Classic CrossFit Benchmark. We will be testing out Amanda towards the end of this cycle so you will see this combo hit a couple times a long the way to ensure we are good and ready to tackle that workout.

We are starting this progression off with short manageable numbers that build. By starting at 1 and increasing through the course of a short metcon we can hit a lot of density for those that have the skills and keep it manageable enough for those that are still working on getting their muscle-ups.

There are two ways to tackle this workout. For those that are strong, but are just getting muscle-ups. The idea would be to increase the weight to get more of an effect out of the power snatch and then work on getting quality singles on the ring muscle-ups. Or we have those that are still working on ring muscle-ups and also are lower level strength. We should allow them to work with the same Rx loads if they can hit quality singles here and work on developing the muscle-ups as well.

If you have athletes that tend to really wing and fight for muscle-ups keep them at the weight that allows for 3-5 TnG Reps and work on strict pull-ups and dips to develop more strength rather than have them fighting for muscle-ups that are not high quality.

Scaling Mods:

For today we want to reinforce that we need strength before we practice the skill. So if athletes want to attempt a muscle-up they should have 5 Strict Pull-Ups and 5 Strict Dips. This will let us know that if they catch a muscle-up they have enough shoulder strength and stability to handle the position at the bottom of the dip. For the Power Snatch, the first mod we want to see is high hang power snatch or hang power snatch to work on positions for newer athletes. If they are still just feeling very uncomfortable here scaling to a DB Snatch or American KBS will be effective for teaching core to extremity extension.

Liu Kang

6:00 AMRAP


Ring Muscle-ups

Power Snatch 135/95#, 61/43kg

Rest 5:00

6:00 AMRAP


Ring Muscle-ups

Power Snatch 115/75#, 52/34kg


Density Set

6:00 AMRAP

Max Sets 10 Unbroken Supine Grip Bent Rows 95/65#

-10 Dual DB Hammer Curls 25/15# b/s

The supine grip bent rows must be unbroken, but the DB hammer curls do not.

Record max sets done + any partial reps completed on DB Hammer curls. Goal is 5 Rounds

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