WOD: Tuesday 211123
Alicia here is in the running for greatest lifting face.
Points of Performance and Coaching Cues:
-Split Jerk: Focus on the vertical dip and drive in order to keep line of action. A good cue here is to think about scratching your back on a wall as you dip, press the knees out, then flex the butt and drive vertically on the bar. Work on the recovery step of front foot back then back foot forward.
-Pull-ups: Focus on tight arch position to hollow position and then focus on the press away into the next rep.
-Burpee Box Jump Overs: Work on staying low, falling quickly to the floor and using less arms on the eccentric as you bring your chest to the floor.
-S2OH: Today, we want to work on cycle speed here and keep the bar high on the front rack with each catch as we reset into the next rep.
Scaling Considerations
For the Split Jerk today we would like most athletes to work on a variation here, even with an empty barbell. If they lack overhead mobility, let's move to a single arm strict press and combine with seated wall slides to improve thoracic mobility during this portion. Going with sets of 5-7 reps instead of 3 will be better for development of the positions here.
-For pull-ups, going to strict banded pull-ups, toenail spot pull-ups, or ring rows will be the go to scale for the day.
-Going to a step-up instead of box jump will limit a lot of stress on the lower back and knees.
-Finally, for the shoulder to overhead we can move to DB push press to limit concerns that arise from a barbell on the front rack position.
Weightlifting: Split Jerk : 3 Rep Max:
Take 10 mins to find a 3RM for the day.
Goal should be at 85+% 1RM for a 3 rep.
"The Book of Eli"
4 rounds, each round for time, of:
21 Pull-ups
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
9 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 155/105 lbs
Rest 2:30 between each round.
3 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Single Arm Kettlebell Z Press, pick load
Banded Palloff Hold, L 30 secs/R 30 secs