WOD: Tuesday 220104
Perhaps calories on the bike will be easier this year?
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues:
-Push Press: Vertical dip and drive and focus on keeping the feet rooted through the floor on the press to utilize the entire leg drive overhead.
-Chest-to-bar + Toes-to-bar: Watch the chest-to-bar video for ideas on how to implement some good cues and techniques to get athletes to their first chest-to-bar or start linking more.
-Shoulder-to-Overhead: This should be a push jerk today to keep cycling rate smooth and efficient and not tax the shoulders too early on here in the workout. Focus on punching under the bar while staying connected to the bar then standing tall and letting barbell drop right back to front rack and utilizing the catch as the re-dip to cycle efficiently.
• Scaling Considerations:
-Push Press: Subbing the push press sets for dumbbell push press can help for athletes that have shoulder impingement issues and need more free motion of the weight. The barbell locks things in place so moving to dumbbells will help a lot. If athletes have issues with the specific range of motion, we can utilize a double landmine press.
-Chest-to-bar Pull-ups: These are quite challenging for a lot of athletes. If athletes have real issues with just getting the chest to the bar and can’t find that extra retraction, we can utilize an inverted row to work on better scapular retraction. Otherwise lets work with a toenail spot pull-up or banded strict pull-up as mod before moving to jumping pull-ups.
-Shoulder-to-Overhead: Like we said with the push press, working with dumbbells will fix a lot of issues. We can also go to a strict variation or if it's just the overhead, move to a ring push-up.
-Toes-to-bar: First let's work with alternating toes-to-bar, then move to knees-to-elbow, then strict knee raises.
Strength: Push Press,
Every 2:30 for 10 mins: Push Press
10 Push Press, 60% 1RM
4 rounds for time of:
12 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
12 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 135/95 lbs
Rest 30 secs
12 Toes-to-bars
12/9 Bike Calorie
Rest 1 min
3 rounds for quality of:
6 Strict Pull-ups
10 Zottman Curls, pick load
4 Dragon Flags