WOD: Tuesday 220111
Flying high Staver.
Points of Performance
-Bar Muscle-ups: We like to think about the bar muscle-up as a press and press to get around the bar rather than a pull-up through the bar. Essentially it is like getting out of a pull as we press down on the bar after the hip initiated kip.
-GHD Sit-ups: The sit-ups should be initiated by the legs. We want to focus on driving our lets straight and pulling through the hamstrings to finish each rep!
-Weighted Sit-ups: This is the alternative to the GHD and will still provide a big stimulus for the legs as well, but more hip flexor than hamstrings.
• Scaling Considerations
-For the bar muscle-ups we have a lot of options today and the coaches should have enough time to practice and brief athletes on the correct modification for them. Finding a modification that allows for consistency and progression to the next skill is the key. Find that line and ride it. For those that aren’t there yet, let's work into a burpee pull-up modification. Either chest-to-bar, chin over, or jumping variation.
-For the GHD sit-ups, a lot of this will need to be tailored to class size and also movement limitations. This movement should be reserved for a more seasoned athlete as it tends to put more stress on the spine. The alternate version of a weighted sit-up is not easier, but just different.
"Mount Vesuvius"
For time, Time cap: 15 mins:
30 GHD Sit-ups
15 Bar Muscle-ups
20 GHD Sit-ups
10 Bar Muscle-ups
10 GHD Sit-ups
5 Bar Muscle-ups
3 rounds for quality of:
6 Weighted Strict Pull-ups, pick load
12 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows, pick load
4 Dragon Flags