WOD: Tuesday 220621
Some good looking Jorts there Philip. Little known fact, but Jorts are known to increase your lifts by 10%. Something to think about.
• Daily Focus
The focus today is definitely on the bar barbell. The waves here are a touch different than the style we hit last week with the snatch and the clean. The clean and jerk together is a more taxing movement, so we just reduced the reps a bit on set 1 and 4, and will do so going forward as well in these wave sets. We also increased the duration of the interval to do the set in to allow for more optimum rest and better sets across. The barbell conditioning piece is meant to couple together two extension based movements and place a little more emphasis on the overhead strength/stamina during this workout as reps increase on each set. We should be choosing a weight where you can go unbroken on each set or close to it to allow for greater efficiency and practice of the push jerk cycling movement.
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
Clean & Jerks: Set-up with eyes forward, pulling body to the bar. Brace and breath before pulling smooth off the floor and then fast through the hips. Catch with fast elbows and a quality front rack position with the barbell firmly across the shoulders. Adjust hands, settle and breath, before tightening down and working for a good dip drive and punch into the split jerk. Recover front foot back, then back foot front.
Push Jerk Cycling: Go from a power clean right into the first jerk, dip underneath punch with a firm lockout then stand to extension before letting the barbell fall directly back to the front rack as you dip to punch right into the next jerk. Continue this cycle for the duration of the reps.
Box Jumps: Stay close to the box and jump with two feet, land with two feet and hit full extension at the knees and hips on top of the box before jumping or stepping down from the box and repeating.
• Scaling Considerations
Clean & Jerks: We would like athletes to hit good positions and work on the technique with the barbell here. For new athletes, pulling off the floor from the get-go is not the ideal place to start. Let’s move to a complex here of (hang power clean + front squat + jerk). Keep loads light and go for the same rep scheme as the athletes doing the full clean and jerk. This will give some more time to practice the movement.
Push Jerks: Sub out push press, strict press, dumbbell strict press, or dumbbell push press for the movement today depending on the athlete and the type of positions they are in.
Box Jumps: Let's look to scale to step-ups or reduce the height of the box jump to keep the same stimulus of the workout today.
Weightlifting Part A:
Complete sets every 2:30 for 15 mins.
Clean & Jerk 4-4-3-4-4-3
Set 1: 65% 1RM
Set 2: 70% 1RM
Set 3: 75% 1RM
Set 4: 65+% 1RM
Set 5: 70+% 1RM
Set 6: 75+% 1RM
Weightlifting Part B:
Complete sets in 8 mins.
Clean Pull 3-3-3-3
Set 1-2: 90%1RM Clean & Jerk
Set 3-4: 95% 1RM Clean & Jerk
Metcon: "Holly, Jolly"
Each for time:
0:00-3:00 - 2 rounds of:
7 Push Jerks, 115/75 lbs
7 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
-- then --
3:00-6:00 - 2 rounds of:
9 Push Jerks, 115/75 lbs
9 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
-- then --
6:00-9:00 - 2 rounds of:
11 Push Jerks, 115/75 lbs
11 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
-- then --
9:00-12:00 - 2 rounds of:
13 Push Jerks, 115/75 lbs
13 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
Goal time domain:
Round 1: 1 min-1:15
Round 2: 1:14-145
Round 3: 1:45-2:15
Round 4: 2:15-2:45
4 rounds for quality of:
10 Pike Deficit Handstand Push-ups
Weighted Sorenson Hold, pick load, 40 secs
8 Cuban Rotations, pick load
12 Dumbbell Around-the-World Rotations, pick load