WOD: Tuesday 220712

Hey Casey, if we could never do another workout with the sled again, that would be great. My legs are still toast.

• Daily Focus

We are working towards having more skill and stamina in our gymnastics pieces. We will be hitting large sets here while under a time constraint to get done in a certain time. As a coach, we want to spend time developing the toes-to-bars, practicing our foot holds on the rope climb and going over some brief rowing technique along with how to get the rower up and running quickly today.

• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues

Toes-to-bars: Similar to the rings here, where we are looking for that tight kip glide while keeping the lats active through the swing.

Rope Climbs: Focus on making the first jump high up the rope and cut the rope as close to the hands as possible. Then work on the descent by letting the rope slide fast between the feet and hands lightly on the rope.

Burpees-to-Target: We are planning on using a bar on the rig today as the target. Keep your hands in the same spot so that you can jump directly back to your hands and then jump right back up to the bar.

Row Calories: Get the rower moving quickly and then work on a steady state long stroke. Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish.

• Scaling Considerations

Toes-to-bars: Lets scale to alternating toes-to-bars, then knees-to-elbows, then strict knee raises, and finally move to v-ups or sit-ups if we need an option that is not on the rig.

Rope Climbs: Sub out pull-to-stands or single arm supine grip ring rows for the rope climbs today. Also if you don’t have enough ropes we can do 4 strict chin-ups per rope climb as a scale.

Burpees-to-Target: Sub out to traditional burpees, or no push-up burpees, or even no push-up + no jump burpees for those with issues on the excessive flexion extension the burpee creates.

Row Calories: Can sub any monostructural piece today for the rower, but ideally we would scale first to the Ski Erg, then next to a Bike Erg, and after that we could scale to an Echo Bike.

Metcon: "This Velvet Grove"

3 rounds, 7 mins each, for max reps of:

30 Toes-to-bars

20 Burpees-to-Target, 6 in

4/3 Rope Climbs

Max reps in remaining time Row Calories

Rest 3 mins between each round.

Goal: 2 mins per round to accumulate Row Calories (~40/32 reps)


For quality:

4 rounds of:

6 Wide Grip Strict Pull-ups

10 Dumbbell Hammer Curls, pick load

-- then --

3 rounds of:

15 Feet Elevated Ring Rows

Ring Support Hold, 20 secs

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