WOD: Tuesday 230808

More PR’s on the menu for today. Eat Up!

• Coaching Notes

We are tackling our 3RM Push Press today with the goal of exceeding 85% of 1RM. We have been building our strength overhead through a good mix of Strict Press, Push Press, and Push Jerk / Split Jerk work, so all of our athletes should have a great idea for where they will sit today in terms of a 3RM. Once we hit the 3RM we are working into a good aerobic stamina / gymnastics endurance workout here with the goal of maintaining big sets and pushing the intensity a bit. For those that took on the 5:00 min Max Calorie Bike yesterday, they may be a little annoyed to see that machine come-up again, but at least they will have some good numbers to use as a basis for pacing :) . The idea is to spend about 1 min on the machine and 1 min on the gymnastics movement before moving to a 1 min rest then repeating that on the other machine and gymnastics movement.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Toes-to-bars: We are focused on maintaining an active shoulder position as we move through the hollow position to the arched position. Focus to press away from the bar to create space that will allow for compression of the midline and the toes to come to the bar. We should look to keep the dynamic positions today when scaling, so moving to an alternating toe to bar or kipping knee to elbow / knee to chest would be ideal in order to maintain fluid dynamics. The next scale would be to move to a strict knee raise or knee to elbow, specifically for those with shoulder or back issues.

-Strict Handstand Push-ups: Create a solid stable tripod with an active shoulder, then move into extension through a strong press and firm lockout at the elbow and flexing the core. We want to have some tools in our tool box for the handstand push-up. The Box Pike Handstand Push-up is definitely our favorite option, but only if the athlete can do it correctly and maintain the proper pressing form. Dual Dumbbell Strict Press is never a bad option and helps those that feel like going inverted will be an issue.

-Calorie Row: Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish. The chain should stay in a straight chain path throughout the entire drive phase as we finish hard at the sternum. Finishing higher or lower on the body is not ideal and should be worked to be avoided. If needed, scale the row to calorie on a Ski Erg or Bike Erg for the same number of calories. We can sub a 200 m run as well.

-Calorie Echo Bike: Work to keep the body moving forward rather than side to side. Focus on the push/pull with the arms and pressing down through the legs. If we scale to the Assault Bike today we should move to 20/15 Calories as equivalent. We can sub a 200 m run as well.

strength test: 3rm push press

Every 2 mins for 10 mins

3 Push Press, start at 75%

metcon: "French Toast"

3 rounds, each for max reps of:

In 2 mins do:

20/15 Assault Bike Calories

Max reps in remaining time Toes-to-bars

-- Rest 1 min --

In 2 mins do:

20/16 Row Calories

Max reps in remaining time Strict Handstand Push-ups

Rest 1 min between each round.


3 rounds for quality of:

GHD Supine Hold, 15 secs

Single Arm Ring Plank, L 20 secs/R 20 secs

8 Cuban Press, pick load

WOD Postalex burgyWOD