WOD: Tuesday 231003

Who is gonna a be the brave one to test this workout with GHD sit ups?

• Coaching Notes

We are hitting everything core today. The rower + core movement combo is always a hard one and one that will definitely pack a punch. This is a chipper style workout with the goal of targeting midline stamina. We have built out the day to go over some more rowing technique which is something that is normally glossed over and then also allowed some time at the end of class to hit those bodybuilding and structural strength accessories as a finisher. Spend a little time going over row technique and efficiency tips before the workout and then make sure to talk athletes through holding tight positions in our accessory lifts as well.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Row Calories: Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish. The chain should stay in a straight chain path throughout the entire drive phase as we finish hard at the sternum. Finishing higher or lower on the body is not ideal and should be worked to be avoided. If needed, scale the row to calorie ski erg or assault bike. If we move to an echo drop the calories by 10%.

-Toes-to-bars: We are focused on maintaining an active shoulder position as we move through the hollow position to the arched position. Focus to press away from the bar to create space that will allow for compression of the midline and the toes to come to the bar. We should look to keep the dynamic positions today when scaling, so moving to an alternating toe to bar or kipping knee to elbow / knee to chest would be ideal in order to maintain fluid dynamics. The next scale would be to move to a strict knee raise or knee to elbow, specifically for those with shoulder or back issues.

-V-ups: Lie on your back and extend your arms behind your head. Keep your feet together and toes pointed.Keep your legs straight and lift them up as you simultaneously raise your upper body off the floor.Keep your core tight as you reach for your toes with your hands in one motion. If needed, scale to tuck-ups or AbMat sit-ups.

AbMat Sit-ups: Hands must touch over head and touch the toes for the rep to be an Rx’d rep.

metcon: "Eight Pack"

For time:

80/64 Row Calories

40 Toes-to-bars

60/48 Row Calories

60 Alternating V-ups

40/32 Row Calories

80 AbMat Sit-ups

20/16 Row Calories

Goal: 15:00-20:00

Time cap: 20:00


3 rounds for quality of:

12 Kettlebell Bent Over Rows, pick load

12 Tall Kneeling Banded Lat Pull Downs

Side Star Plank Hold, L 24 secs/R 24 secs

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