WOD: Tuesday 231107

Whoopsie, forgot to add a photo for Monday. Back to see y’alls pretty faces.

• Coaching Notes

Today is definitely leg day. We will be starting off the day with some specific prep in the warm-up. A lot of times we like coaches to have a little bit of their own flare to the warm-ups, so take these as suggestions, but today will specifically be very good at priming positions. We will target a tempo Overhead Squat to work on stability and control through the full range of motion. Then take the barbell directly to the Back Squat increasing load for the remainder of the squats to help develop more leg strength.

We will then take things to the floor with a leg circuit finisher of sorts with Wall Sits into Single KB Front Rack Step-Ups. These are to be done contralaterally, which means the right arm holds KB as you step with the left leg to the box. Then we will move into a max effort finish on Goblet Squats to really blast the core and the legs. Expect the quads to be on fire towards the later sets here.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Wall Sit: Knee angle should be at 90 degrees with butt on the wall and feet firmly planted. Ideally we keep our hands off our thighs and focus on a quality position with a tight belly and trying to drive the belly button to the wall.

Contralateral Box Step-Up: Hold the weight in one hand and step with the opposite leg on the box. Keep the torso tall and focus on pressing through the box keeping the belly tight as we bring the other leg up on the box. Both legs must come to the floor before stepping with the same leg again for all reps. We can lighten the load and/or lower the box.

-Goblet Squat: Hands underneath the KB or DB and the elbows out in front of the body. Initiate with the hips back and down while keeping a tall upright torso and braced midline. The ideal scale today would be to reduce the loads or go to Air Squats to keep the intended stimulus.

strength A: Tempo Overhead squats


50-55% 1RM Overhead Squat 3132 Tempo

Strength B: tempo back squats

8-8-6-6, 30X1 Tempo

Set 1: 60% 1RM Back Squat

Set 2: 60% 1RM Back Squat

Set 3: 65% 1RM Back Squat

Set 4: 65% 1RM Back Squat

metcon: "Machu Picchu"

4 rounds, 1:45 each, for max reps of:

Wall Sit, 30 secs

5 L/5 R Kettlebell Goblet Box Step-ups, 70/53 lbs, 24/20 in

Max reps in remaining time Goblet Squats, 70/53 lbs

Rest 1:15

Goal: Have 30-45 seconds to complete Squats


4 rounds for quality of:

10 Ring Hamstring Curls

10 L/10 R Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrusts, pick load

15 Weighted GHD Hip Extensions, pick load

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