WOD: Tuesday 240123
In case you didn’t know, Stacy loves cat memes. Make sure you send her one today!
• Coaching Notes
Today's session is geared towards heavy Deadlifts that will provide a formidable challenge. Our objective is to gradually work up to heavy singles within the range of 80-85%. This intensity level not only triggers a robust growth hormone response (aiding in recovery) but also presents a substantial challenge to the central nervous system.
It's essential to strike a balance between these challenges and stimuli to achieve optimal results while allowing ample recovery between sessions. To accomplish this, we've structured the Deadlift progression over a more extended period during this cycle, spanning 10-14 days.
For today's workout, utilize the 6-minute intervals to tackle the 5-3-1 Deadlift sets as you see fit. Rest until the 6-minute mark, and then repeat for two more sets. This approach provides more rest when dealing with heavier loads.
Regarding the workout itself, consider it a quality-focused session rather than an all-out conditioning effort. While it will undoubtedly challenge you and elevate your heart rate, the primary emphasis lies in developing the posterior chain, midline strength, and refining your handstand walk skills. We may touch briefly on scaling options and handstand walk adjustments before the workout, but today is not dedicated to an extensive handstand walk progression. We'll have dedicated days in the coming weeks to delve deeper into that aspect. For now, let's focus on building a solid foundation of strength through the Deadlifts.
Complete as- Every 6 mins for 18 mins do: 5 Deadlifts 3 Deadlifts 1 Deadlift
Deadlift 1x5 at 75% 1RM
Deadlift 1x3 at 77% 1RM
Deadlift 1x1 at 80% 1RM
Deadlift 1x5 at 77% 1RM
Deadlift 1x3 at 80% 1RM
Deadlift 1x1 at 82% 1RM
Deadlift 1x5 at 80% 1RM
Deadlift 1x3 at 82% 1RM
Deadlift 1x1 at 85% 1RM
metcon: "Flip Flopped"
Every 1 min for 15 mins, alternating between:
21 V-ups
Handstand Walk, 50 ft
9 Deadlifts, 275/185 lbs
3 rounds for quality of:
15 L/15 R Single Leg Cross Body Romanian Deadlifts, pick load
10 Assisted Nordic Curls
25 Banded Good Mornings