WOD: Tuesday 240827
Continuing the theme of leg abuse.
• Coaching Notes
This one is simple... and you know what that means? It means that this is a challenging workout that will push boundaries of intensity here, which will help to develop overall aerobic capacity and specifically V02 Max Intensity. That means in the range of 88-92% of max heart rate, which will lead to some athletes feeling gassed by round 4. Please tell athletes to build intensity here and try to maintain pace. The run should be fast at close to 5k pace and then finish on the Bike at around our 5:00-10:00 Max Calorie Test pace. If you do not know this, shoot for something around 85-90% of maximal effort.
metcon: "Throttle Down"
6 rounds, each round for time, of:
Run, 400 m
33/25 Bike Calories
Go every 6 mins.
6 rounds, 40 secs per station, for max reps of:
Ring Crunch
Rest 20 secs
Chinese Plank, pick load
Rest 20 secs
Rotate immediately to the next station every 40 secs, the clock does not stop or reset between stations.