WOD: Tuesday 240903

• Coaching Notes

We are getting into a fun workout with the focus on gymnastics consistency today with the Ring Muscle-Up. We will be working through progressions today that should allow for the development of the Ring Muscle-Up with either a strength or a skill progression as we move into the workout. The goal here is for the workout to feel very smooth and consistent throughout with an unbroken set of Wall Balls, the Ring Muscle-Ups to be done in 1-2 sets, and then the run at a good clip that allows us to move right back into the next round.

Spend about 15 minutes working through progressions today getting athletes primed and ready for the workout. This would ential moving through a low ring muscle-up, utilizing a box or a band to work on the transition phase into the dip, and talking about a jumping muscle-up using a box to allow for the transition into the Ring Muscle-Up, then talking through the swing and the pull into the hips and quick turnover into the bottom of the dip.

Our strength focus today will be on Feet Elevated Ring Rows and Ring Dips to develop strength and capacity in the range of motion we would need for the Ring Muscle-Up.

metcon: "Circle of Life"

For Reps:

20:00 AMRAP

16 Wall Balls

4 Ring Muscle Ups

200m Run

Wallball: 20/14lbs (9/6kg) to 10ft/9ft

10m = 1 Rep


For Quality:

5 Sets

5/5 Bulgarian Split Squat 30x1

7 P-Bar Dips 20x1 or 14 Push-Ups

9/9 Single Arm Dumbbell GHD Preacher Curls

-rest as needed b/t sets-

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