WOD: Tuesday 240910

• Coaching Notes

We are getting into our Back Squat progression today that brings us back to shades from our progression a few weeks ago. This time we are decreasing the reps from 6-5 reps and combining again with the Goblet Speed Squats as a nice spicy combo that targets a little contrast strength training. We will then be moving into the midline triplet here with a 14:00 AMRAP of Single KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges, Toe to Bar, and Double Unders. Don't mistake this, you will notice when your torso begins to fall on the double unders and it will make things a lot more difficult here.

The focus here on the KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge is to have this done contralaterally by holding on one arm and stepping back with the same leg, which means we are loading the leg opposite to the arm holding the front rack position. The goal here today is to find a load that can be done unbroken, work into Toe to Bar sets of 3-5 at a time and remain unbroken on the Double Unders throughout, while still keeping fast and fluid transitions.


Every 3 mins for 12 mins do:

5 Back Squats, @ 75-80%

6 Goblet Squats, pick load

metcon: "Smoked"

Complete as many rounds as possible in 14 mins of:

7 L/7 R Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunges, 53/35 lbs

14 Toes-to-bars

28 Double Unders


Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:

6 L/6 R Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts, pick load

12 Tall Kneeling Banded Lat Pull Downs

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