WOD: Tuesday 241001

Chest Day, absolute BEST DAY!

• Coaching Notes

The focus today shifts to strength work and implementing solid progressions to build the Bench Press and also our Power Cleans. We are looking to really enhance our speed through the middle with the Power Cleans, starting the complex with Clean Pulls and then getting into some absolute strength development with a little more time under tension for our Bench Press.

Overarching theme is to lean into our strength and weightlifting today and enhance positions.

metcon: "Hector"

Every 1 min for 18 mins, alternating between:

5 Tempo Bench Press, pick load

-Bench @ 55-65% - 31x1 Tempo

1x [ 1 Clean Pull + 3 Power Cleans ], pick load Rest 1 min

-Cleans @ 70%+ of 1RM Power Clean * Cleans are not TnG

Goal: Build to 80-82% on Cleans, while maintaining a strong consistent load across on Bench Press


5 rounds for quality of:

8 Barbell Bent Over Rows, pick load

6 Strict Dips

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