WOD: Tuesday 241203

woman double unders

• Coaching Notes

We are getting into a more specific gymnastics conditioning day today with the focus on inversion practice to start things off and then going through some light touches on Ring Muscle-Up Progressions before getting into the main workout of the day. The goal here is that we have a brief focused general warm-up that will allow us to have some good time on Handstand Practice and Ring Muscle-Up progressions and then just plan to get into the workout for our PRVN Skill Benchmark which is focused mainly on managing fatigue and interference for the Handstand Push-Up and Ring Muscle-up.


For quality

Gymnastics Skill Practice, 10 mins

Ring Muscle Up Progession, 10 mins


Complete as many rounds as possible in 14 mins of:

60 Double Unders

40 Single Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 24/20 in

60 Double Unders

20 Handstand Push-ups

60 Double Unders

10 Ring Muscle-ups


5 rounds for max reps of:

10 Behind-the-Neck Strict Press, pick load

Max rep Ring Rows

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