WOD: Tuesday 250211

man burpees to a target

It’s burpee time.

• Coaching Notes

Today’s workout consists of two 10:00 AMRAPs, separated by a 5:00 rest, focusing on aerobic capacity, gymnastics efficiency, and movement consistency. Each AMRAP is designed to challenge your ability to maintain intensity while managing fatigue across different movement patterns.

We are looking for each AMRAP to be cyclical and allow athletes to complete each round in about 2 minutes. This style of workout is targeting the style and flow of the Open and should challenge athletes' pacing ability and ability to recover between 10:00 AMRAPs.

Spend some extra time focusing on the Chest to Bar Pull-Up Progression as well as efficiency in the Wall Walk.

metcon: "The Doctor"

For total rounds and reps: AMRAP in 10 mins of:

15/12 Bike Calories

10 Burpee-to-Targets

8 Chest-to-bar Pull-up

-- then --

Rest 5 mins

-- then --

AMRAP in 10 mins of:

12/9 Row Calories

6 Shuttle Runs, 50 ft

3 Wall Walks

For each AMRAP, restart from 0.


6 rounds for quality of:

6 Wall Facing Handstand Push-ups

12 Seated Banded Rows

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