WOD: Wednesday 210331

I know it’s been tough lately, Laura, but we’re glad every time you make it into the gym!

I know it’s been tough lately, Laura, but we’re glad every time you make it into the gym!


- Skill: Today we have a choose your own adventure EMOM with some skill practice for you to choose from, and an opportunity to pick your own skill as well for the 3rd minute. We have a lot of included options, feel free to pick two from the same category IE Min 1: Handstand Walk, Min 3: Chin-over Bar Hold.
- Strength: We'll be finishing our session with some accessory work for the legs, and the biceps. Take one warm-up set and then 3 work sets at the same weight.


Min 1: 30 sec of your choice
- Handstand Holds (Freestanding or on Wall) or Walks
- Pull-up Bar Dead Hang (use Fat Grips if poss)
- Chin-over Bar Hold
- L-sit Hold
- GHD Back Ext Hold
Min 2: 30sec of your choice
- Double Unders
- Muscle-ups or Muscle-up Transitions
- Odd Object Carry (Stone, Sandbag, etc)
Min 3: 30sec of
- Skill of your choice!
- Goal: 30s of continuous work - quality over quantity today.

D1) DB SPLIT SQUAT (40:00-50:00)

3 x 10 each. Rest 30s.

D2) KB CURLS (40:00-50:00)

3 x 20. Rest 30s.