WOD: Wednesday 210407
Loeser, just about to stick the landing!
- Recovery Conditioning: This occasional low-intensity work is vital for both long-term performance goals AND longevity. Do not underestimate its importance! Measure your intensity by your ability to breathe only through the nose. Make sure to also focus on maintaining good posture during the Carries.
0:00 - 18:00
Bike, Row, Light Jog, Ski, Single Unders - you can split 18 minutes between multiple movements in 2:00 increments.
18:00 - 30:00
KB Carry x 100 Ft sets (either farmer carry, front rack carry, crossbody carry)
- Goal: Today is intended to be low-intensity aerobic training, let your intensity be dictated by your ability to nasal breath. If you don't have Sandbags/Stones/Heavy Medball etc perform a Front Rack, Farmer, or Crossbody Carry.
10 reps each side.