WOD: Wednesday 210505
May the 5th? More like Revenge of the Fifth.
Whiteboard Brief
- Metcon: Our work today is partner conditioning with a 1:1 work rest ratio. These intervals of either Row or Bike should be difficult, but not an all out sprint, so that you can repeat your effort from round 1 on round 10. If you're rowing focus on smooth stroke mechanics and let the speed come from there. We'll finish our session with some accessory work with your same partner, don't let yourself get pulled out of position by KB or DB.
Partner Conditioning
EMOM 20:
ODD Minutes: Partner A complete 60s hard Row or Bike
EVEN Minutes: Partner B completes 60s hard Row or Bike
- Goal: Partners will be alternating minutes perform 60s of hard work then resting for 60s while their partner goes. Effort should hard but intervals should be repeatable.
Single Arm Farmer Carry
AMRAP 10 x 90 ft.
- Done with the same partner. One athlete completes a full set at a time, switching arms halfway.