WOD: Wednesday 210623
The face of pure, unadulterated athleticism from Josh Heurung. It was fun to throw down with y’all last Saturday.
- Metcon: Today we have a 20 min EMOM alternating between a Row and Double Unders. We'll finish our session with some recovery work and some direct Glute Work. Keep your wrists loose on the Double Unders and shoulders relaxed.
EMOM 20:
ODD Minutes: 15 Calorie Row
EVEN Minutes: 50 Double Unders
- Goal: Challenging pace, complete all work within 30-40s. This workout should be tough - scale calories if needed.
L2: (12 Cals) (30s DU Attempts)
L1: (8 Cals) (Penguin Taps or Single Unders)
50 total reps. Rest as needed.