WOD: Wednesday 210623

The face of pure, unadulterated athleticism from Josh Heurung. It was fun to throw down with y’all last Saturday.

The face of pure, unadulterated athleticism from Josh Heurung. It was fun to throw down with y’all last Saturday.


- Metcon: Today we have a 20 min EMOM alternating between a Row and Double Unders. We'll finish our session with some recovery work and some direct Glute Work. Keep your wrists loose on the Double Unders and shoulders relaxed.


EMOM 20:
ODD Minutes: 15 Calorie Row
EVEN Minutes: 50 Double Unders
- Goal: Challenging pace, complete all work within 30-40s. This workout should be tough - scale calories if needed.

L2: (12 Cals) (30s DU Attempts)
L1: (8 Cals) (Penguin Taps or Single Unders)


50 total reps. Rest as needed.

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